
Russian Nuclear Ministry to lose monopoly over nuclear fuel delivery to Ukraine

Publish date: June 9, 2000

The United States allocate $30 million for reconstruction of Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

Agency PRIME-TASS, referring to Steven Pifer, American ambassador to Ukraine, reported that the United States are to allocate $30 million for the reconstruction works at 14 Ukrainian nuclear reactors. This will allow further usage of the alternative types of nuclear fuel in accordance with the signed agreement. He also said that it will let Ukraine buy the nuclear fuel not only from one supplier (Russia). Usage of alternative suppliers of the nuclear fuel will allow to reduce its price significantly, Mr. Pifer said. “We estimate that Ukraine can save if not hundreds then dozens of million dollars annually thanks to the agreement,” the diplomat said.

Russian company “TVEL” delivers fuel to Ukrainian NPPs

According to Ukrainian State company “Energoatom” (Kiev), all 14 Ukrainian reactors are designed to use only fuel produced by Russia’s company “TVEL.”