
Consultation Response – The Future TEN-E – June 2020

TEN-E: Europe needs modern, clean, secure, future-proof and smart energy infrastructure to deliver the Green Deal.

As the European Commission has requested imputs on the Roadmap for Revision of the “Trans-European Energy Infrastructure”, Bellona Europa has responded to this consultation on the 4th June.

As stated by the Commission, Europe needs modern, clean, secure, future-proof and smart energy infrastructure to deliver the Green Deal. The revision of the guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure aims to ensure EU energy infrastructure policy is consistent and aligned with the climate neutrality objective of the Green Deal.

In light of the upcoming revision of the Trans-European Energy Infrastructure (TEN-E) Regulation, Bellona Europa recommends that the European Commission ensure that a revised TEN-E:

1.       Keep Carbon Dioxide Transport as one of the 12 strategic trans-European energy infrastructure priorities

2.       Exclude unabated fossil fuel infrastructure as eligible for EU funding under the regulation


Further, in our response we highlight that the highest priority must be given to electricity grid expansion, hydrogen dedicated infrastructure and CO2 infrastructure. As well we deem important that the EU should not be funding projects contributing to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and a TEN-E consistent with the climate neutrality objective cannot offer funding to fossil fuels projects, e.g. unabated fossil gas projects.

Find here our full consultation response: