The goal of EU competition rules is to promote and protect effective competition in markets, delivering efficient outcomes to the benefit of consumers. Bellona Europa has responded to the call for contributions to gather ideas on how EU competition policy can best support the Green Deal. As Executive Vice President Vestager has underlined: “To succeed, everyone in Europe will have to play their part – every individual, every public authority. And that includes competition enforcers.”.
Our overarching point is that it is necessary to amend the state aid rulebook and the interpretation of legislation to safeguard the climate impact credibility of the funds under state aid.
On the 20th November, Bellona Europa has responded to the call for contributions to gather ideas on how EU competition policy can best support the Green Deal.
The goal of EU competition rules is to promote and protect effective competition in markets, delivering efficient outcomes to the benefit of consumers. However competition rules should undergo an environmental impact assessment too in order to fully allign with the European Green Deal. As Executive Vice President Vestager has underlined: “To succeed, everyone in Europe will have to play their part – every individual, every public authority. And that includes competition enforcers.”.
Bellona Europa here shared its overview on necessary changes to be made in the current State Aid rulebook . Our overarching point is that it is necessary to amend the state aid rulebook and the interpretation of legislation to safeguard the climate impact credibility of the funds under state aid. Our feedback is also outlining the democratic deficit in the access to justice for NGOs and civil society, which is worsened by the fact that industry is able to access the courts to challenge decisions on commercial ground.
Among the possible solutions to overcome lack od clarity, Bellona Europa believes it is vital to set up a clear, easily accessible and dynamic information channel – in line with ongoing digitalisation efforts under the European Green Deal it should take the form of a website or database.
The contributions will be published at the time of the conference organised by DG Competition, to be hosted by Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager on 4 February 2021.
Find the full feedback as it follows: