
Cooperation for sustainable cruise tourism

<small><i>Jan Kjetil Paulsen, Bellona</i></small>
Jan Kjetil Paulsen, Bellona
Kjetil Grude Flekkoy

Publish date: June 18, 2018

Climate change and new regulations, both in Norway and elsewhere, require extensive conversion of international shipping to zero emissions. Now Bellona and the world's largest cruise company, Carnival Corporation & plc, make a move to contribute to and promote sustainable operations in the shipping industry.

By: Jan Kjetil Paulsen, senior adviser, shipping.

Norway has a strong position in international shipping and maritime technology, and the maritime sector has long been a key focus area for Bellona. In cooperation with leading industrial players like The Fjords, Siemens, ABB, Color Line and Hurtigruten, Bellona has played an important role in the conversion to electrification and zero emission solutions currently underway in Norwegian short sea shipping.

In line with the increasing cruise traffic to Norwegian destinations and the environmental challenges associated with this, Bellona has also been heavily engaged in the public debate on sustainable tourism and zero emissions from international shipping over the past three years. The International Maritime Organization IMO decided earlier this year to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from shipping by 50 per cent by 2050. The Norwegian authorities make additional demands for shipping traffic along the coast, and in April, the Storting adopted zero emissions in the world heritage fjords Aurland, Nærøyfjorden, Sunnylvsfjorden and Geirangerfjorden from 2026.

Achieving this is demanding and could go beyond the financial capacity of the tourism industry and the communities affected. Bellona invites the players to dialogue and cooperation to develop the good solutions for sustainable tourism in local communities. Collaboration with Carnival will make an important contribution to this work.

Zero emissions from shipping is an integral part of Bellona’s vision and we consider cooperation with leading players in the industry absolutely necessary to succeed. Carnival is the world’s largest cruise company with nine global cruise brands. The company has sustainability as a top priority and has already taken significant measures to reduce energy consumption. Carnival wishes as the world’s largest cruise company, to take an absolute leading role for sustainable shipping and tourism.

Collaboration between Bellona and Carnival will enable us to increase our influence in developing and promoting sustainable solutions for the fast-growing cruise sector as well as international shipping. The cooperation will definitely support our vision of a sustainable cruise industry and zero emissions in vulnerable areas. Now, we are folding up our sleeves and work even harder to achieve this, together with the world’s largest cruise company.