
Increased criminal responsibility for nuclear violations

Publish date: May 9, 1997

Written by: Igor Kudrik

In order to strengthen the Federal Law on Utilisation of Nuclear Energy, the Russian government has approved several new bills toughening measures against violators, reports Russian agency RIA News.

Accounting for the need to adopt such measures, the State Nuclear Inspection (Gosatomnadzor), in a report submitted to the government, pointed out that the nuclear plants in Russia are functioning in an unfavourable socio-economic context, a rising crime rate, increasing threats of acts of terrorism and mounting tensions amid plant personnel, which may cause violations of safety rules.

Involvement of nuclear material or installations will henceforth be an aggravating factor when appointing punitive measures against criminals. It is also suggested that criminal responsibility should be enhanced for deceitful reports concerning the radioactive situation and effects on the environment, population and personnel of nuclear projects, writes RIA News correspondent Regina Lukashina.

The initiators of the law believe it necessary to augment administrative responsibility for violations of regulations in the field of nuclear engineering, including licensed endeavour.

The bills are to be submitted to the Russian Parliament for consideration.