
Investigation into the Nikitin case has been prolonged

Publish date: February 26, 1998

Written by: Igor Kudrik

Aleksandr Nikitin was informed about the prolongation of the investigation against him at the FSB office in St. Petersburg today. The investigation has been prolonged for one additional month by the District Attorney of the Russian Federation.

This latest renewal of the investigation against award-winningenvironmentalist Aleksandr Nikitin extends the duration of the case intoits 22nd months. The procedure began on October 5, 1995. Nikitin expectsthat it will be completed by March 23.

The prolongation followed the filing of new charges against Nikitin onFebruary 24. According to FSB investigator Aleksandr F. Kolb, the latestdelay was made necessary by the procedural formalities required now thatnew accusations were brought against the defendant.

Both Nikitin and his lawyer Yuriy Shmidt were surprised by the ease withwhich the FSB obtained a prolongation from the General Attorney’soffice. The investigation has been dragging on for more than two yearswithout any tangible results.Nikitin has been ordered to appear before the FSB for an interrogation.