
Russian navy Command pledges to complete Kursk’s replica “Belgorod” nuclear submarine

Publish date: January 9, 2005

Sevmash shipyard informed Interfax news agency on December 31 after the Russian Defence Ministry Commission headed by deputy head of the armaments agency of the Defence Ministry lieutenant general Vladimir Mikheyev had finished inspection at the navy shipyard.

The hull of the Oskar-II class nuclear submarine Belgorod is completed but the technical equipment and the missile tubes are not installed. The submarine is 80% completed and requires $100m to finish the construction but only $200m were spent on Belgorod last year. The submarine can be ready not later than 2007 if enough financing is provided the Sevmash representative said to Interfax.

The Oskar-II class nuclear submarine Belgorod was laid down in July 1992. At present all the Russian Oscar-II class submarines are in the reserve after the Kursk tragedy.