
Peter the Great at sea, at last

Publish date: October 23, 1997

Written by: Igor Kudrik

One billion USD nuclear powered cruiser Peter the Great left the Northern Fleet home base Severomorsk in the end of September, finally entering its final exams.

Peter the Great arrived at Severomorsk on November 24 last year. In the beginning of 1997 the second stage of the cruiser’s test program should have been performed. Lack of funding forced the Navy to postpone these plans. According to the press-centre of the Northern Fleet, some 30 million USD was required to put the vessel through final exams.

A part of the money was allocated, after almost 10 months delay. The tests are apparently being carried out in the Barent Sea, and should take 1.5-2 months. According to original plans, Peter the Great is to be assigned to the Pacific Fleet. Although now, officers of the Northern Fleet believe that the ship will remain in Severomorsk.