
Engineer exposed to high radiation at Dimitrovgrad Research Institute

Publish date: December 8, 1997

Written by: Igor Kudrik

On November 28, an engineer at Dimitrovgrad Research Institute for Atomic Reactors was exposed to high levels of radiation. Minatom claimed the guilt on the the engineer himself for the incident.

On November 28, 10:00 Moscow time, researcher at Dimitrovgrad Research Institute for Atomic Reactors received 35 mSv of radiation. The year dose is limited by 50 mSv.

According to Minatom press-centre, the engineer was careless while conducting work with radioactive sources. The engineer’s condition is normal, no need for special medical treatment.

Dimitrovgrad Research Institute for Atomic Reactors, located in Ulyanovskaya county, by the mid part of river Volga, was founded some 30 years ago, operating one nuclear research reactor. The reactor is mainly used to test nuclear fuel assemblies.

In the end of July there was an accident at the Institute. The discharge levels 18-fold above the norm lasted for a week. The reason to the incident was cracks in the nuclear fuel cladding what led to heavy contamination of the water from the primary circuit. As a result, radioactive gases hushed through the ventilation system into the environment.