
Minatom holds discussion with China on nuclear co-operation

Publish date: March 2, 1998

Written by: Igor Kudrik

New minister for atomic energy of Russia Jevgeniy Adamov met Chinese ambassador in Moscow Li Funlig earlier this week to discuss the progress in the nuclear deals Russia has reached with China. At the meeting Adamov stated his intention to visit China in the near future, reported RIA Novosti.

The discussion between Jevgeniy Adamov and Chinese ambassador was focused on two major nuclear project Russia is involved as main contractor in China. The first one is a recently signed deal on the construction of nuclear power plant in Lianyungang. The second project is technology transfer and construction of uranium enrichment facilities.

The nuclear power plant’s two VVER-1000 reactor units will be erected in Lianyungang, a coastal city north-west of Shanghai, and are expected to be in operation in 2004 and 2005. The cost of the deal is put at around 3 billion USD.

The project on uranium enrichment facilities was launched in 1992, with general contract signed in 1993. The facilities are gas centrifuge, based on gas diffusion technology. The construction of the stage 1 and stage 2 of the enrichment plant is underway in a place called Hanzhun.

At the end of the meeting, Adamov informed Chinese ambassador that he intends to visit Chine in the near future, to examine the progress of the projects launched and to discuss the new possibilities for co-operation.