
Romania to buy uranium in France

Publish date: March 5, 2004

Romania is going to buy depleted uranium in France for its nuclear reactor in Piteshti.

The Romanian science minister Luchian Biro announced this in January, ITAR-TASS reported. He said that Romania agreed with the IAEA to buy in France only depleted uranium, and refuses to buy enriched uranium, which could be used for nuclear bomb. The contract’s life time is 2 years and the price-tag is about $4m. Romania will pay only 500,000 euro, the rest will be paid by the USA and the IAEA. The first delivery should take place by plane this spring. The nuclear reactor built in 1979 is used for research purposes and for generating nuclear fuel for the only Romanian nuclear power plant in Chernavode. The nuclear plant was built with the help of Canada.