
Bellona holds Hydrogen workshop at the European parliament

Publish date: March 18, 2003

Written by: Isak Oksvold

The workshop will be arranged in co-operation parliament member Claude Turmes. Parliament members and environmental organisations will participate in the workshop on Thursday 20th of March.

Agenda for the workshop will be the transition phase towards the hydrogen society, with focus on the necessity of establishing technology and infrastructure for CO2-storage. Bellonas Frederic Hauge and senior expert Egil Holte will present Bellonas views on these issues. A summary of the presentation is found on the link below. Bellona has also invited Michael Austell from the CENS project to present their experiences on CO2-storage.

Wide range of participants
Parliament members from green, liberal and conservative wings of the parliament are expected to attend the workshop. The highly respected European Parliament Rapporteur on Climate Change, Jorge Moreira Da Silva will also attend. Bellona has also shedueled a separate meeting with Da Silva during the day. Representatives from the Commission, that is, representatives from the cabinets of Walström and Bousquin is expected at the workshop.
Environmental NGOs are invited, such as representatives from Greenpeace, WWF, CAN and EEB. The car industry represented by BMW and Daimler Chrystler are expected at the Bellona presentation.