
Kremlin’s party leader to build nuclear plants in Northern Russia

Publish date: December 9, 2003

Boris Gryzlov, the chief Russian policeman and the head of the Kremlin-backed ”United Russia” party, which recently received the majority of the seats in the newly elected lower parliament, or the State Duma, recently described the future for the Russian nuclear energy.

While visiting Kursk NPP during his election campaign in November, he mentioned about a necessity to build new nuclear power plants, including northern regions, where nuclear submarines’ reactors could be used in order to develop a transport corridor from Europe to Asia, the North Sea Route: «The situation with atomic energy development has no alternative for Russia in the 21st century. We have to build new units, solve the technological safety issues. And they are solved now, as we practically achieved 100% technological safety. Therefore, it is needed to fund development of the nuclear plants, build new ones, and it is very important to move the atomic energy to the north of our country”, Russian RTR TV channel broadcasted on November 18th.