
Bellona launches new web!

Publish date: June 15, 2006

Bellona today launch version 3 of Bellona web. Version 1 was launched as early as 1995 based on handcrafted code and Notepad. The next version came in 1999 based on the Norwegian publishing system Imaker. Version 3 came online today and is based on open source products Zope and ZTM, and is developed in cooperation with Bouvet.

The new web is based on the topic map standard, facilitating the navigation of huge number of documents, and to a much larger degree than before show the relationship between different topics.

We are very happy about our new web! We think we have developed a solid framework for the environmental web of the future. But, as will always be the case with huge migrations/rewrites, some pieces will always fall to the floor. We have moved thousands of articles, news stories, pictures, reports etc into a completely new environment, and it would be strange if everything went as planned.

We therefore expect errors, we apologize in advance, and will be grateful to hear from you if you find something amiss. We of course also will love to hear what you think about the new web. Criticism and prize can be addressed to

Thank you!