
Russia to get western funding to decommision retired submarines

Publish date: May 8, 2003

An agreement on the multilateral nuclear environmental program for Russia (MNEPR) will be signed in Stockholm on May 21st at the foreign ministers' level, RIA-Novosti reported.

This program will allocate funds to Russia for realization of environmental projects in the country’s Northwest, primarily, in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Vladimir Chizhov, stated at a press conference on April 19th. The projects are aimed at decommisioning nuclear submarines, the Deputy Minister explained. The agreement is expected to be signed by Russia, the USA, Norway and the EU member-states, Mr. Chizhov said. Vladimir Chizhov spoke on April 19th at parliamentary hearings in the Federation Council, which were devoted to Russia’s national interests and experience in international co-operation in the north of Europe. At the end of the hearings the participants passed some recommendations. For example, they find it possible to consider Russia’s joining the Northern Council. They believe Russia’s membership in this organization will help balance its foreign economic relations and open new opportunities to attract investment to Russia’s northern regions.