The EU’s Affordable Energy Action Plan – watt is it all about?
On February 26th, the European Commission announced a much-anticipated package, including the Action Plan for Affordable Energy, along with additiona...
Publish date: February 28, 2008
On an absolutely unchallenged campaign swing through Nizhny Novgorod, Medvedev was asked to address a remark from an audience member from the Chelyabinsk Region, home to the Mayak Chemical Combine, the most radioactively contaminated place on earth.
"There is a need to turn to prosecutors when someone refuses to listen to reason," Medvedev responded.
Indeed, residents of the Chelyabisnk region have turned to prosecutors many times to protest the dumping of liquid radioactive waste into the river system in the area, and the Mayak plant has only been shut down once for a short period of time in the last decade.
Yet Medvedev told the audience it was time for “the government to get down to solving ecological problems in earnest,” and supported a mechanism bny which polluting enterprises are held accountable for environmental damage. "We must create such conditions for business as to discourage waste dumping," he said without elaborating.
On February 26th, the European Commission announced a much-anticipated package, including the Action Plan for Affordable Energy, along with additiona...
Russia will restart the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant—occupied by Moscow’s troops since the beginning of their three-year-old invasion of Ukraine—...
On February 26th, the European Commission unveiled The Clean Industrial Deal (CID), setting out Europe’s shared roadmap to tackle the challenges faci...
In this news digest, we monitor events that impact the environment in the Russian Arctic. Our focus lies in identifying the factors that contribute to pollution and climate change.