
Andreeva Bay: Recommendations

Publish date: February 6, 2003

A sound procedure must be designed and developed for safely unloading spent nuclear fuel from the dry storage tanks and outdoor containers, not to mention a complete overhaul of the entire storage complex at Andreeva Bay.

Only one plan exists for unloading the spent nuclear fuel from the storage facilities: first the fuel cask is lowered into the shield container, then the shield container is placed on a truck which delivers the fuel to the pier. There the transport casks are reloaded onto a nuclear service ship that is fitted for 40-tonne TK-18 type containers. The loading of the TK-18 containers takes place onboard the ship, whereupon the containers are then transported to a storage site.

To bring such a procedure about in practicality requires that the following measures are taken:

1. Preparation of the concrete tanks for dry storage and positioning of the containers on the storage pad to facilitate the unloading of spent nuclear fuel from them;

  • Examination of transport casks and containers;
  • Establishment of order and method of unloading spent nuclear fuel assemblies, including damaged assemblies;
  • Examination of technical condition and the possibility of using the KMP-40 crane.

2. Construction of new shield containers and loading equipment or repair of the existing ones.
3. Repair and testing of the special ventilation system and also other rooms for dry storage tanks.
4. Acquisition of special tug trucks for transportation of spent nuclear fuel.
5. Repair of the road from the dry storage tanks to the moor plant.
6. Installation of the crane at the moor plant and construction of a bridge connecting the moor plant and the shore.