Bellona Europa Documentary Screening: “There Will Be Water”

Time and place
July 12, 2017
18:30 - 20:30
Mundo B, Rue d'Edimbourg 26, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium
Bellona Europa Documentary Screening: “There Will Be Water”
On 12 July at 18:30 Bellona Europa will be organising a movie screening evening of the documentary «There Will Be Water» in the Fairtrade Room of Mundo B. The documentary tells the story of the Sahara Forest Project, and its pursuit of the ambitious vision of greening desert areas whilst producing food, freshwater and clean energy at the same time.
The idea is simple – bring saltwater into the desert – evaporate it by means of the sun and create fresh water, food and energy in desert. But it is 50 degrees in the sun and it seems that every drop of fresh water requires a drop of sweat. The global demand for water is growing while at the same time the world’s available freshwater levels are dropping at alarming rates. More than a 1.5 billion people live in water stressed areas. And, the Middle East is drying up – water scarcity is causing severe political and regional tensions.
Following the movie, stay with us for a short discussion on sustainable growth of biomass. Bellona Europa published earlier this year a report looking into the opportunities and risks of using seaweed and algae cultivation for aviation bio-jetfuel.
See trailer of the documentary here.
Limited number of seats, please register here.