
Bellona’s vision for the hydrogen society

Publish date: October 29, 2004

In this policy paper, Bellona addresses the opportunities and challenges facing the transition to an economy driven by clean energy.

A clean energy chain
In this policy paper, Bellona addresses the opportunities and challenges facing the transition to an economy driven by clean energy.
Today the world economy is addicted on fossil fuel as it provides 90 percent of the world’s energy consumption. Emissions from industry and fossil fuel energy use constitute the man-made part of the green house gas emissions and heavy local and regional air pollution. The price we have to pay for this manifests itself in the form of natural disasters, unreliable access to food, the spread of tropical diseases and severe health and ecosystem impacts.

To remedy this situation, the ultimate goal must be to enable an energy system based on clean and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, wave, geothermal and bio. An integrated approach to these
demands is to introduce energy carriers that do not pollute during distribution or usage, which at the same time

demands is to introduce energy carriers that do not pollute during distribution or usage, which at the same time