
South Africa launches CO2 storage atlas

Publish date: September 16, 2010

Written by: Veronica Webster

The South African Minister of Energy Dipuo Peters recently launched the first atlas of South Africa’s CO2 geological storage potential.

The research project represents a joint partnership between the South African government, public bodies and industry, including the South African National Energy Research Institute (SANERI), PetroSA, Petroleum Agency of South Africam, Anglo American, Eskom, Sasol and the research centre Council for Geoscience.

The atlas project forms part of the recently established South African Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage.

The atlas will consist of geological storage maps and estimate the country’s CO2 storage capacities based on the geological formations found in South Africa. The atlas will also encompass a roadmap on CO2 capture and storage (CCS), an overview of the country’s energy sector.

“Our coal industry contributes significantly to employment opportunities, income generation, as well as accounting for huge foreign-exchange earnings for the country. We are firmly resolved to increase the use of renewable energy in a bid to diversify our energy mix; however, we recognise that coal will continue to be the basis for the provision of most of our primary energy needs for the next few decades,” said Ms Peters during the press release.

The atlas is allegedly intended to provide easily accessible information to decision-makers linked to CCS, but will also aim to provide a more detailed technical report for specialists and geologists as a basis for future work in this area.

Read the full press release for the atlas project here.