
Overview of educational programmes on CCS

Publish date: April 1, 2011

Written by: Niklas Kalvø Tessem

There are a several opportunities to study CCS at university level. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Princeton University and Imperial College in London are some of the most prominent, but there are also many other options.

MIT offers ”The Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies Program” which conducts research into technologies  to capture, utilise and store CO2 from large stationary sources. A major component of the program is the Carbon Sequestration Initiative, launched in 2000. Research interests at MIT include technology assessments, economic modelling, analysis of regulatory and political aspects, and development of a Carbon Management Geographic Information System (GIS).

Princeton University handles the Carbon Mitigation Initiative, which engage and support undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students to become leaders in the fields of Climate Science, Carbon Capture and Storage and Integration and Policy. 

Imperial College in London holds the largest CCS research program in the UK, with a staff of more than 30 people involved in CCS activity. The Research Program aims at an integrated approach from capture, through transport to geological storage, but with overarching systems approach to ensure a coherent research effort. The program is also involved in legal and regulatory issues.

Here are a few other courses:

Gulf Coast Carbon Center – The University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas programs in CCS research actively seek strong Ph.D. and Masters candidates.

Geologic Carbon Sequestration Program – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: The GCS program can be categorized into six research areas: Monitoring, Site Characterization, Risk Assessment, Model Development, Laboratory Studies and Geochemistry/Geophysics Theory & Analysis.

Carbon Sequestration Program – University of Nebraska, Lincoln: 

Carbon Capture and Storage – Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage (Masters):

Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage — University of Nottingham: CICCS is active in a large number of research programmes. 

Carbon Capture and Storage – School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW, Australia: The project team is seeking PhD or Masters by Research candidates to join their research team