
Population of Rostov County against NPP

Publish date: June 2, 2000

Rostov nuclear power plant recruits personnel while the locals protest against the launch of the plant.

Rostov-on-Don held Russian-American public hearings on topic: Does Rostov Need a Nuclear Power Plant?

The hearings resulted in the document The Perspectives of Safe Development of the Energy Sector in Rostov Region, which says the following:

“… It is necessary to state that possibilities of energy supply for Rostov region without Rostov nuclear power plant are not exhausted, and the problem of energy deficiency is more factitious than real. The energy loss during its generation, transferral and consumption is nearly 50 per cent. Rostov NPP itself should be used as an energy producer but based on non-nuclear fuel. The conversion of nuclear power plant, which has never been in operation before, to the environmentally friendly fuel (natural gas) is technically possible and is not costly, and, after all, profitable…”

In the end, the participants addressed the Russian Government and Rostov County Administration with the request to launch evaluation of alternative energy sources for Rostov County and possible reconstruction of Rostov NPP to use natural gas.

Personnel for Rostov NPP

Earlier reports said that the Russian Nuclear Regulatory (GAN) issued a licence for Rostov NPP construction in May. The Russian Ministry for Nuclear Energy claims that today Rostov NPP has started recruiting personnel, and 40 per cent of those employed have already completed a training course.