
Armenian nuclear plant threatens US security

Publish date: October 22, 2003

The United States has included the closure of the Armenian nuclear reactor in its plans for securing weapons of mass destruction for next year.

According to a recent US State Department report, Armenia last year agreed with the US’ request to shut down its only reactor, which presents a grave environmental risk. According to the State Department, it has also become a risk for the national security of the US, which feels threatened by potential thefts of Armenian reactor materials and technology by international terrorists,, the Central-Asian news Internet site, reported. However, although the plant is slated for shutdown next year, the report does not specify how much money will be spent on the closure.

Last year, US government agencies allocated $10.2m for security programmes in Armenia, said the website. Recently, the Armenian nuclear power plant was taken over by the Russian energy supply giant, RAO Unified Energy System of Russia, as part of Armenian debt redemption to Russia.