Elena Kobets
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Elena Kobets
Elena Kobets is director for development at Environmental Rights Center Bellona. Elena received her Master degree in Geology at the St. Petersburg Mining University. From 1980 to 1998 she worked as a researcher in the fields of nature resources prospecting in the Arctic in several scientific research organizations. Since the late 90’s, Elena has participated in St. Petersburg’s environmental movement. For the last ten years, she’s worked with Russian and international non-governmental organizations in the spheres of environmental protection and human rights. She has been with Bellona since 2005. She participates in the international Task Force SLFC (Short-Lived Forces Climate) in Arctic as an expert. Since 2007, Elena has served as a member of the St. Petersburg Human Rights Council and works on its editorial board to prepare the organization’s annual report, which is titled, “On the State of Human Rights in St. Petersburg”.